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- Ấn phẩmA smarter knowledge commons for smart learning(SpringerOpen, 2018-08-13) Penelope J. ListerThis paper takes the form of a discussion relating to a smarter knowledge commons, having come about due to implications arising from research into the development of a pragmatic pedagogical ‘guide to learning’ for smart learning environments. The paper does not discuss any research findings (which have not yet been established), but rather is about attempting to discover through examination of early adopter use cases the underlying challenge for smart learning design in relation to the delivery of personalised geo-spatially relevant knowledge. Solutions for the mapping and delivery of the knowledge web are tentatively suggested, making use of an existing meta-property framework, the Open Graph. Smart learning environments focus on learning in geo-spatially relevant learning locations, with tutors or learners engaged in tasks that may frequently require the searching and selecting of knowledge content to contribute to learning or in the further production of new digital knowledge content. This has led to considerations regarding where and how knowledge content is obtained, provided, produced or shared, and this paper examines issues related to the producing, searching and finding of knowledge content in these learning contexts. Practical examples are provided to illustrate how digital knowledge content plays a pivotal role in learning design and learner interactions taking place in smart learning, both for the content of learning and as part of the process for learning. Emphasis is on open access smart learning in relation to connected and collaborative pedagogical approaches. Considering the future development and pedagogies of open-access smart learning environments, we must ask how the knowledge commons, an integral part of this learning, can become ‘smarter’ for learning and teaching.
- Ấn phẩmArtificial intelligence and emotional intelligence, the contribution of women 4.0: training course of empowerment for women in Industry 4.0(Firenze University Press, 2019-04-30) Gabriella CampanileWomen’ empowerment in Industry 4.0 is the training pathway connected to women and Industry 4.0. The aim is to make women aware of the necessity to develop technological and digital knowledge as well as transversal competences in order for them to be active part of innovation processes in industry 4.0 era. The experience we report has been positive. It was focused on two strategic competences related to artificial intelligence and emotional intelligence. These were also connected to the mission of the organiser. The diffused use of artificial intelligence in productive processes and daily life will lead to an increasing standardisation of several cognitive functions and will make it clear the necessity to develop and strengthen emotional and social competences that are needed to deal with the fourth industrial revolution. Intelligenza artificiale e intelligenza emotiva, il contributo delle donne 4.0: percorso di empowerment per le donne in Industria 4.0 Donne ed Industria 4.0, questo è il tema del percorso formativo Empowerment delle donne in Industria 4.0. La sua finalità è quella di sensibilizzare le donne in merito alla necessità di sviluppare conoscenze tecnologiche – in particolare digitali – e competenze trasversali per rendere le donne protagoniste dell’innovazione nell’era Industria 4.0. L’esito positivo dell’esperienza, associato alla missione della società promotrice dell’iniziativa, ha fatto sì che questa esperienza si evolvesse nell’approfondimento di competenze strategiche relative all’Intelligenza Artificiale e all’Intelligenza Emotiva. La diffusione dell’utilizzo dell’Intelligenza Artificiale nei processi produttivi e nella vita quotidiana porterà ad una crescente standardizzazione di molte funzioni cognitive, mettendo in evidenza la necessità di sviluppare sempre più competenze emotive e sociali necessarie per affrontare la quarta rivoluzione industriale.
- Ấn phẩmE-learning, M-learning and D-learning: Conceptual definition and comparative analysis(SAGE Publications, 2018) Sujit Kumar Basak, Marguerite Wotto, Paul Bélanger; Robert Lebans; Dương Thị Thu ThủyIn the 21st century, the information and communication technology explosion increases the uses of digital devices for many purposes in the world of work and in formal and non-formal education. This study analyzes existing literature on the basis of the definition of the concepts, terminology used, differences, fundamental perspectives, benefits, disadvantages, and finally the similarities and differences of the e-learning (electronic learning), m-learning (mobile learning), and d-learning (digital learning). It reveals that e-learning and m-learning are subsets of d-learning. On the other hand, some learning tools could be considered as m-learning as well as e-learning.
- Ấn phẩmFrom information to data, to knowledge – Digital Scholarship Centers: An emerging transdisciplinary digital knowledge and research methods integrator in academic and research libraries(SAGE Publications, 2020-03) Zheng (John) Wang, Xuemao WangIn this essay, the authors will discuss the similarities and differences of knowledge management and librarianship. They will propose and articulate the emerging role of academic and research libraries as the integrators of digital knowledge and research methods among academic enterprises, a role which they believe will transform librarians to knowledge professionals. The authors will try to answer or stimulate further discussion of multi-dimensional and provocative questions such as: What are the critical differences between knowledge management and library and information science? Will emerging functions or services, such as digital scholarship centers and research data management practices, allow academic and research libraries to more fully perform the functions of knowledge management? Will libraries’ emerging role in the knowledge creation ecosystem help define their new value proposition, from a collection-centric to knowledge-centric service model? How should libraries position library-based digital scholarship centers to be digital integrators for enterprise-wide digital learning, research, and knowledge creation?
- Ấn phẩmHow to develop new digital knowledge transfer products for communicating strategies and new ways towards a carbon-neutral Germany(Copernicus Publications, 2022) S. Preuschmann, T. Blome, K. Görl, F. Köhnke, B. Steuri, J. El Zohbi, D. Rechid, M. Schultz, J. Sun, D. Jacob; DL tổ chứcHuman-induced climate change is one of the most pressing challenges of our time. The Helmholtz Association is making essential research contributions to mitigate the causes and impacts of climate change and find ways to adapt. The “Net-Zero-2050” project, the Cluster I of the Helmholtz Climate Initiative, scientifically investigates and evaluates strategies and new ways to reduce, extract and permanently store carbon emissions. Two digital knowledge transfer products (DKTPs) were developed to present the complex research results comprehensively: (1) the “Net-Zero-2050 Web-Atlas” provides information on methods and technologies for CO2 reduction and possible reduction paths; (2) the “Soil Carbon App” provides simulated soil carbon data to estimate climate protection potentials through different land management methods. Both formats intend to support users in making informed decisions and developing appropriate climate neutrality strategies. During the two DKTPs development, common main challenges were identified regarding concepts and stakeholder involvement. Along with that, specific approaches to solving the tasks could be distilled for each product. In the still-evolving arena of digital knowledge transfer, no standard methods can be applied. At the same time, communication of climate research results to decision-makers is becoming more and more relevant. This paper extracts the challenges and gives approaches to facilitate a transfer of the gained experience to future similar projects.
- Ấn phẩmKết nối, chia sẻ tài nguyên giữa các thư viện dưới nhìn của công nghệ(2019-12) Bùi, Tiên Phong; Dương Thị Thu ThủyLiên kết và chia sẻ nguồn lực thông tin là một trong những hoạt động thiết yếu của mọi thư viện trên thế giới. Mô hình liên kết chia sẻ tài nguyên trên thế giới đã và đang hoạt động hiệu quả, tuy nhiên ở Việt Nam vấn đề này còn hạn chế do gặp nhiều khó khăn về mặt công nghệ. Bài viết trình bày những khó khăn trong việc liên kết và chia sẻ tài nguyên của thư viện dưới góc nhìn công nghệ, từ đó đe xuất mô hình giải pháp kết nối và chia sẻ tài nguyên để các thư viện có nền tảng, căn cứ cho việc tìm hiểu, đảnh giá và lựa chọn mô hình giải pháp phù hợp và đạt hiệu quả cao.
- Ấn phẩmKnowing digital and critical thinking. Around the conference "Noetic versus Computer: the new structures of scientific communication" (Rome, 19 to 20 November 2013)(Firenze University Press, 2015-01-15) Luigi Catalani; Janet Murphy, Robert LebansThe purpose of the paper is trying to summarize the international conference "Noetics versus Computer Science: the New Structures of the Scientific Communication", held in Rome 19 to 20 November 2013. In the light of the epistemic conflict, as set out in the title, I tried to highlight the main conceptual issues emerged during the four working sessions, that suggest a careful reconsideration of the role of bibliography, library services and the traditional paradigms of information organization, especially in light of the latest trends related to the development of the semantic web, discovery tools, social networks, open access and digital libraries. The emphasis is particularly on those contributions that have activated critical thinking about the current state and prospects of digital knowledge ecosystem, considering that it seems essential to adopt semantic ontologies, cognitive maps and indexical infrastructures that are able to explode the epistemological potential of the recorded knowledge.
- Ấn phẩm"Leveraging New Technologies for Professional Learning in Education: Digital Literacies as Culture Shift in Professional Development"(SAGE Publications, 2009-01) Robert Lebans; Viện Nghiên cứu Giáo dụcProviding just-in-time job-embedded professional learning using a technologically mediated model achieves professional growth goals and encourages teachers to build digital literacy competencies and incorporate new technologies in instructional approaches in the classroom. This article highlights the lessons learned from an award-winning professional learning program developed by the Advanced Broadband Enabled Learning program (ABEL), a Research and Innovation initiative at York University in Toronto, Canada. Ongoing research into this program reveals that teachers who are learning via technologies refine their understanding of digital literacy, and develop curriculum designs and instructional strategies that facilitate differentiated instruction through digitally mediated designs, increase student engagement in learning, and improve student achievement.
- Ấn phẩmSocial Work Digital Storytelling Project: Digital Literacy, Digital Storytelling, and the Makerspace(SAGE Publications, 2021-09) Tara La Rose, Brian DetlorPurpose: The Social Work Digital Storytelling project was a research study undertaken to (1) enhance digital literacy of practitioners and students through digital storytelling training, (2) diversify engagement in a local public library technology hub (the “makerspace”), and (3) understand and enhance social work leadership knowledge among students and practitioners through the creation and sharing of leadership-focused digital stories. Method: Free hands-on digital storytelling workshops where social workers/students created stories about leadership exposed social workers to technologies accessible in the community and provided hands-on experience using hardware (e.g., IMac computers, digital cameras, portable data recorders, and a recording booth) and software (e.g., Adobe Photoshop, I-Movie, and GarageBand) as well as online social media platforms (e.g., Flickr, YouTube, and Facebook). Results: Before and after the workshops, participants completed a brief online qualitative self-evaluation survey through which they reflected on their skills, values, and beliefs about digital technology in practice. Participants gained knowledge of perspectives of online ethical tenants and exposure to Creative Commons Copyright and the NASW Technology Standards of Practice. Discussion: Prior to participation, the social workers reported fear and hesitancy using technology. After workshop completion, workers experienced a greater sense of confidence using digital technology as well as identifying organizational and systemic issues, which hindered field-based technological engagement.
- Ấn phẩmỨng dụng phần mềm quản trị thư viện tích hợp mã nguồn mở Koha – giải pháp tốt cho hệ thống thư viện đại học, cao đẳng ở Việt Nam(2014) Dương Thị Thu Thủy; Viện Khoa học Thông tin Thư việnBài viết phân tích ưu, nhược điểm của phần mềm quản trị thư viện tích hợp mã nguồn mở koha và sự phù hợp của koha với hệ thống thư viện đại học, cao đẳng ở Việt Nam
- Ấn phẩmUSING BLOOM’S REVISED TAXONOMY TO DEVELOP DIGITAL LITERACIES IN THE ESP CLASSROOM(Institute for Digitalisation of Education of the NAES of Ukraine, 2020-10-28) Svitlana H. VavilinaThe article explores some issues to be considered when integrating new technologies into English for Specific Purposes (ESP) learning. The main focus is on the challenges that ESP practitioners face in the context of a multilingual digital Europe. In confronting such problems as changing roles for students and teachers, the spread of English as a medium of instruction and increased emphasis on the subject content in the language classroom, it is necessary for ESP teachers to embrace innovation and develop strategies to improve students’ learning. To benefit from the use of technology, ESP teachers need to concentrate on those aspects which digital knowledge and skills share with traditional literacies. When essential elements of digital literacies are singled out, it becomes possible to employ their full potential for creating a technology enhanced learning environment. This research suggests doing it by drawing upon the Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. The framework, in this case, is used to check that goals falling within different categories of the cognitive domain of learning are aligned with technology-supported instruction delivery methods. While designing instructional techniques, we heavily rely on the idea of scaffolding in the form of visual aids for enabling learners to build on prior knowledge and internalize new concepts. As practical examples show, development of digital literacies proves not only to be compatible with formation of professional intercultural communicative competence but also providing means for activating the most complex cognitive processes of conceptual understanding, critical thinking, decision making, creation and metacognition. The findings may be useful in preparing instructional activities with the help of technological tools to support ESP teaching and learning.