Duyệt Demo_Publication theo Tác giả "Robert Lebans"
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- Ấn phẩmE-learning, M-learning and D-learning: Conceptual definition and comparative analysis(SAGE Publications, 2018) Sujit Kumar Basak, Marguerite Wotto, Paul Bélanger; Robert Lebans; Dương Thị Thu ThủyIn the 21st century, the information and communication technology explosion increases the uses of digital devices for many purposes in the world of work and in formal and non-formal education. This study analyzes existing literature on the basis of the definition of the concepts, terminology used, differences, fundamental perspectives, benefits, disadvantages, and finally the similarities and differences of the e-learning (electronic learning), m-learning (mobile learning), and d-learning (digital learning). It reveals that e-learning and m-learning are subsets of d-learning. On the other hand, some learning tools could be considered as m-learning as well as e-learning.
- Ấn phẩmThere Is No 'Virtual Learning': The Materiality of Digital Education(University of Alicante, 2021-01-15) Gourlay, Lesley; Robert Lebans; Viện Nghiên cứu Giáo dụcThe distinction between face-to-face and distant digitally-mediated educational engagement is a complex one, and the two modes are often combined in practice, via ‘blended learning’ or the use of a VLE to support campus-based teaching. The current Covid-19 pandemic has thrown this distinction into relief, in a context where educationalists have been forced to move to fully distant engagement in a very short timeframe. This paper explores how this predicament has brought to the fore the nature of our engagement with digital knowledge practices and screen-based communication, arguing that the notion of ‘virtual learning’ is a flawed one. Instead, adopting a sociomaterial perspective, it argues that all aspects of digital engagement are in fact grounded in material and embodied entanglements with devices and other artefacts.